Sunday 25 September 2016

Unit 1 Learning Outcome 2: Describe the Usage of Computer and ICT in Everyday Life

Describe the usage of computers and ICT in everyday life.

1.      Banking
2.      Education
3.      Business
4.      Industry

-        Help to manage books ( eg: library automation system)
-        E-learning
Student and lecturer can communicate to each other if there is something problem or have to make discussion no matter how far the distance to each other.
-        To find useful information ( eg : Internet )
We have an internet to get more information abour our learning.

-        Online banking ( eg : maybank2u)
Online services such as transfer money and pay bill online.
-        To withdraw or check money ( eg : ATM machine )

-        Automobile manufacturing industry using robotic ( eg : factory )
-        Aerospace research using super computers

-        E-commerce
Buying or selling something from the Internet

-        Advertising ( eg: billboard , magazine )

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