Tuesday 27 September 2016

Unit 3 Learning Outcome 2: Identify the importance of communication network in daily life

LO 2:  Identify the importance of communications networks in daily life

Network changing the way we learn. The internet can enhance learning and makes it easier in several ways such as distribution of learning contents, availability of various resources and enable learning to be done from any location. Nowadays, entertainment is getting much more fun. We can chat and instant messaging, online interest groups, web blogging, online games, video and audio streaming. The use of network can enhance communication between employees in an organization and also with external clients. Most companies have an intranet which allows communication between employees and also between branches. However, some companies also have an extra net. A network (or network resources) provides suppliers, vendors, customers, limited access to corporate data. The example of common data to be shared is order status, inventory, part lists. 

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