Tuesday 27 September 2016

Unit 3 Learning Outcome 3: Distinguish between types of network

LO 3: Distinguish between types of networks

There are different categories of network including local-area network (LAN), metropolitan-area network (MAN) and wide-area network (WAN). A LAN is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a single floor in a building or within a single building. LAN covers a short distance only. MAN is designed to extend over an entire city. MAN maybe a single network, or connecting a number of LANs into a larger network. It can be owned by a private company or public company, such as a local telephone company. WAN provides long distance transmission of data, voice, video, image, over large geographical areas such as country, continent or the whole world. WANS is usually in combination of public, leased or provide communication devices. WAN which wholly owned by a single company is often referred to as an enterprise network. 

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