Wednesday 26 October 2016

Unit 6 Learning Outcome 3: Provide examples of computational thinking in daily life.

·       Example of computatuional thinking in daily life

    Putting things in your child’s knapsack for the day
-Pre-fetching and caching

·       Taking your kids to soccer, gymnastics, and swim practice
-Travelling salesman (with more constraints)

·       Cooking a gourmet meal
-Parallel processing:
You don’t want the meat to get cold while you’re cooking the vegetables

·       Cleaning out your garage
-Garbage collection:
 Keeping only what you need vs. throwing out stuff when you run out of space

·       Storing away your child’s Lego pieces scattered on the LR floor
-Using hashing (e.g., by shape, by color)

·       Doing laundry, getting food at a buffet

-Pipelining the wash, dry, and iron stages; plates, salad, entrée, dessert stations

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